The impact of digital assets and cryptocurrencies decentralised finance on taxation in various jurisdictions
The impact of digital assets and cryptocurrencies decentralised finance on taxation in various jurisdictions
Digital assets and cryptocurrencies continue to evolve by offering new services and products such as Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”), but is tax legislation also keeping up to date with the ever-changing world of digital assets and cryptocurrencies?
The introduction of digital assets and cryptocurrencies to the traditional financial market has required various taxation laws to be amended, updated, and in certain circumstances new laws to be introduced to specifically deal with this new asset class and its complex transactions.
From an administrative and practical perspective, some hurdles have been overcome. There are various investors that are involved in high volume trading (or “bot trading”) resulting in thousands of transactions being actioned on multiple cryptocurrency exchanges and Over Counter (“OTC”) platforms. These high-volume transactions require accurate and complete record-keeping to allow for the determination of the investor’s tax obligation.
What we have found is that it is not feasible to manually account for these high-volume transactions, due to the complexity of the calculation and the various costing models used (i.e. First In, First Out (“FIFO”), Weighted Average, etc.). The issue however is not necessarily the availability of tools to track transactions and calculate the taxable profit with the use of Application Programming Interface (“API”) integration, but the coverage of these tools over the various exchange platforms.
In most circumstances, the tools or applications used to calculate the taxable income only has API or comma-separated values (“CSV”) integration for some exchanges. The trades which become problematic are those where investors trade across platforms when arbitrage opportunities present themselves.
The process of record-keeping is further complicated where legislation is not being amended or where collection agencies do not provide proper guidance on the specific tax treatment of cryptocurrency investments (e.g. capital versus income). This results in some taxpayers omitting cryptocurrency-related transactions from their tax disclosures, which has a financial impact on the collection agencies but could also have a dire consequence for the taxpayers.
We have also seen taxpayers not grasping the tax impact of taxable transactions they incur when dealing with cryptocurrencies. As an example, an individual might receive cryptocurrency as remuneration, subsequently use that cryptocurrency to pay for goods and services, exchange it for another cryptocurrency or liquidate it for fiat currencies[1] all while keeping track of the weighted average of FIFO cost.
This lack of understanding of the tax impact of each of the taxable events could result in a potential error or omission in respect of the taxpayer’s tax liability. It is due to the complexity of the transactions and the lack of tax-related knowledge on the side of taxpayers that we have found it more efficient, in mitigating risk, to have the client use these available tools and applications to determine its taxable income. Once these clients are able to provide us with their taxable income we can further assist them from a tax compliance perspective.
Cryptocurrency has evolved beyond being a medium of exchange, store of value, and unit of account to other products such as non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”). From an income tax perspective, this has not raised too many questions, but from a Value-Added Tax (“VAT”) perspective the matter does become more complex. In most circumstances, NFTs may or may not fall within the ambit of digital assets or cryptocurrencies as defined by the relevant tax legislation. The sale of NFTs is also usually not limited to the sale in a specific jurisdiction. Issuers of NFTs, therefore, need to take into consideration the applicable tax legislation for relevant jurisdictions, as the sale to international collectors might be seen as an exported good.
The introduction of Decentralized Finance (“DeFi”) has also brought new products into the cryptocurrency market like automated market makers, decentralized exchange liquidity providers, wrapped tokens, and collateralized lending. These new concepts involve unique transactions that may differ vastly from each other. This requires investors and tax experts to understand the flow of transactions within the product, alongside the applicable tax legislation and practice in the relevant jurisdictions, to determine the applicable tax implication.
It follows from the above that it has become paramount for tax experts to have a good grasp of cryptocurrencies, digital assets, and the inner workings of the various products to enable them to determine the tax implication of these transactions and appropriately advise clients.
[1] A fiat currency is one that is not backed by any commodity such as gold or silver but is typically declared by a decree from the government to be legal tender.

Pillar 2 GloBE rules technical series: Understanding MNE group structures through the lens of the GloBE rules
One of the fundamental exercises for in-scope multinational enterprise (MNE) groups subject to Pillar 2 GloBE rules is to gain an in-depth knowledge of constituent entities (CEs) and permanent establishments (PEs) on a country-by-country basis. It is an important task that will help ensure calculations required to determine your top-up tax liability in each jurisdiction […]

Risk management: adding value with a tax control framework
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Pillar 2 GloBE rules technical series: Getting to know top-up taxes and safe harbours
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DAC9: EU proposal for harmonising the GloBE Information Return
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Maximising privately owned business efficiency with a tax control framework
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Tax opportunities in Italy for digital nomads and remote workers
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Enhancing business sustainability through effective tax control frameworks
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Tax transparency on allocation of group profits in the light of Public CbCR
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Don’t let Australian employment dream become employer’s nightmare
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Implementing the right tax control framework
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Using CbCR data as a Pillar 2 GloBE starting point
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The FIG regime: changes to the taxation of non-domiciled individuals in the UK
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How to develop a robust tax control framework for your business
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Is a change of tax mindset now needed?
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New app from the Mexican Tax Administration Service designed to determine the monthly VAT returns automatically
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A basic guide to understanding Pillar 2 GloBE minimum top-up tax rules
As in-scope organisations* embark on a new Pillar 2 Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) journey, having a clearer understanding of how jurisdictions will enact the global minimum 15% tax rule is vital. Notably, while Pillar 2 GloBE sets out model rules on what jurisdictions need to achieve, there is an element of flexibility in how each […]

The benefits of having a tax control framework
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UK Spring Budget 2024
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A basic guide to understanding Pillar 2 GloBE minimum top-up tax rules
As in-scope organisations* embark on a new Pillar 2 Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) journey, having a clearer understanding of how jurisdictions will enact the global minimum 15% tax rule is vital. Notably, while Pillar 2 GloBE sets out model rules on what jurisdictions need to achieve, there is an element of flexibility in how each […]

Moving to Mexico: global mobility tax considerations
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IAS accounting requirements for Pillar 2: GloBE for periods ending 31 December 2023
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Expert tax relief in Sweden to be more advantageous
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The shares of a French non-commercial real estate company could be subject to Swiss Wealth tax
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Significant changes to Dutch expat facility
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Green investments in Austria: new tax allowance introduced effective 2023
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How CARF, MiCA, and DAC8 will impact tax transparency in relation to the WEB 3 and other recent web developments
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Crypto transactions become reportable under the DAC 8
The EU Commission has released its draft amendment to the Directive on Administrative Cooperation (DAC) regarding crypto assets (the DAC 8). The DAC 8 will extend the automatic exchange of information obligations to crypto transactions from 2026. Obligations under the DAC 8 will apply to EU and, most likely non-EU crypto-asset service providers and operators. […]

ATAD3 update: significant amendments recommended by the European Parliament
The European Parliament proposes significant amendments to the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive, commonly known as ATAD3. ATAD3 seeks to prevent the misuse of shell companies for tax purposes. Compared to the initial draft Directive, the proposed amendments may provide relief for international organisations. In essence, ATAD3 imposes increased reporting obligations and denial of tax benefits under […]

Mexico approves the Multilateral Instrument (MLI) to implement Tax Treaty Measures
On 12 October 2022, the Mexican Government approved the Multilateral Instrument (MLI) related to the application rules for double taxation agreements (DTAs) to prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS). The rules were published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on 22 November 2022. Included in the Mexican Government’s reservations and notifications are […]

EU’s new SAFE initiative to bolster existing tax evasion measures
The European Commission (EC) launched an initiative on 6 July 2022 concerning the fight against tax evasion and aggressive tax planning. As a result, a public consultation introducing the Securing the Activity Framework of Enablers (SAFE) directive has now been held. The proposed measures could increase compliance costs for all those involved in providing tax […]

Polish Deal’s tax complexity and worsening economic conditions force revisions
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Proposed changes to the offshore regime for passive income in Hong Kong
Background To address harmful tax competition, the European Union (“EU”) requires Member States to refrain from introducing any new harmful tax measures and amend any laws or practices deemed to be harmful. Regarding non-EU jurisdictions, the EU has also evaluated their tax regimes against international tax standards and put in place a list of noncooperative […]

Spanish Supreme Court allows tax benefit to company directors
A Spanish Supreme Court Ruling on 20 June 2022 effectively reverses the decision by the Spanish tax authorities to remove the tax exemption for company directors for works carried out abroad(1). In its ruling, the Supreme Court considers that directors and board members can apply the exemption, provided that requirements set out in Article 7.p) […]

The Google tax: The UK story, 7 years later
The Diverted Profits Tax (DPT), or what the media have dubbed the Google tax, was introduced in 2015 to dissuade and counteract contrived arrangements used by large multinational groups that divert profits from the UK and erode the UK tax base.

Estate, gift and trust tax considerations for US domiciliaries and non-residents
Federal income versus transfer tax The US taxes its citizens and residents on their worldwide income but also levies a gift, estate and generation-skipping transfer tax (GSTT) on worldwide assets of both citizens and individuals domiciled in the US. A non-citizen is subject to US income tax when they become a resident. Transfer tax applies […]

Are you ready for the GloBE tax challenges?
On 14 March 2022, the OECD published a comprehensive commentary and illustrative examples of how implementing the Global Anti-Base Erosion Model Rules (GloBE rules) could look. In this blog, we discuss the GloBE rules and examine how the rules apply and filing requirements. On 20 December 2021, the OECD published model rules that member countries […]

New deadlines for reporting ultimate beneficial ownership to the Peruvian tax authorities
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Environmental tax pillar in the environmental, social, and governance system
The information regarding environmental taxes paid by an organisation, as well as the actions taken to mitigate the impact on the environment could be included in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting. Environmental reporting in total is an important element for parties to consider when doing business. Along with environmental reporting, environmental taxes play a […]

India: Most Favoured Nation Clause causes controversy
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Tax compliance and incentives during martial law in Ukraine
A crucial number of Ukrainian companies (including subsidiaries of international enterprises) experienced negative business and financial impacts as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine which started on 24 February 2022. The urgent relocation of staff to other regions of Ukraine and abroad, interruption of access to internal databases, IT systems, and paper documents […]

A new tax treaty between France and Belgium: Transfer of tax residence and sale of shares
The currently applicable double tax treaty between France and Belgium was concluded in 1964 and then amended many times until 2009. After several years of negotiations, Belgium and France finally signed a new double tax treaty (hereafter, the “new Treaty”). The 1964 Treaty remains applicable until the new Treaty has been ratified by the French […]

New double tax treaty between France and Belgium: nothing is set in stone for French real estate
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New tax rules in Luxembourg impacting cross-border workers and PEPPs
Guidelines on the taxation of cross-border workers during the Covid-19 pandemic and an update on PEPP as defined in the latest budget laws in Luxembourg.

Changes to Belgian special tax status expected in 2022
The Belgian government has approved a draft bill in which changes for the new Belgian special tax status for foreign executives and specialists are embedded. The limited duration of the tax benefits, the minimal remuneration threshold, and the ‘30%-rule’ are the most profound changes. The changes will be effective from January 1, 2022. As a […]

Greece’s beneficial tax regime for foreign residents
In December 2020, Greece introduced tax incentives to attract foreign tax residents. Specifically, the provisions of Article 5C of the Greek Income Tax Code (ITC), which came into force on 1 January 2021, stipulate that foreign employees or foreign freelancers becoming Greek tax residents can enjoy a 50% tax exemption from income derived in Greece […]

Improved tax flexibility for Belgian / Luxembourg cross-border workers
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many Belgian tax residents working in Luxembourg were no longer able to travel since remote working/home working was recommended or mandatory, based on governmental rules. As such, ‘the 24-day rule’ (whereby taxation of days working in Belgium are treated as fully taxable in Luxembourg and not in Belgium, provided the […]

Impact of the UK’s new Health and Social Care Levy Bill on expatriates
In response to the unprecedented spending on public services during the recent pandemic, the UK government has introduced a 1.25% health and social care levy applicable to every person liable to National Insurance Contributions (NIC), including self-employed individuals and internationally mobile employees (IMEs). Where employees are concerned, employers will also be required to pay the […]

Criminalisation of tax litigation in France
Many jurisdictions have refined and improved their legislative defenses against tax avoidance in recent years, making the penalties for tax fraud even tougher.

The Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive II: Will other jurisdictions follow the UK’s lead?
ATAD II is the EU translation of BEPS Action 2, the part which is focused on the ability of taxpayers to design situations of double non-taxation or heavily reduced taxation by exploiting hybrid mismatches. They apply to mismatches between the EU Member States, the UK, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, and third countries. This legislation has […]

Recent Tribunal ruling on the taxation of ESOPs (Employee Stock Option Plans) in India
In accordance with OECD guidelines, the taxability of ESOP in India depends on where employment is exercised and the period of service for which ESOP has been granted.

Compliance bulletin helps businesses in Mexico
Mazars experts around the world deliver tailored services in audit, accounting, tax, financial advisory, consulting, and legal services. In Mexico, local experts have created a compliance dashboard with news items to help guide businesses as they navigate issues related to finance, tax, legal, and labour updates. With the global economy recovering from Covid-19, new government-required procedures […]

Spotlight on Tax Lawyer Tifphani White-King
The latest edition of the Bloomberg spotlight series focuses on Tifphani White-King, the U.S. National Tax Practice Leader for Mazars in the U.S. and a member of the Mazars Global Tax Leadership Team. White-King shares the tax code changes she would most like to see, the best financial advice she ever received, and what she […]

Switzerland is an attractive business hub. What is their secret?
Choosing a business location involves many considerations, with tax being only one of them. Nevertheless, tax is a consideration. Below is a note commenting on the attractions of Switzerland as a business location. There may of course be other locations that should be considered. Switzerland attracts global business, research, and innovation, and maintains the high ground […]

Tax aspects of opening a business hub in Asia
The Asian Development Bank has forecast that developing Asia’s growth is forecast to rebound to 7.3% in 2021 and 5.3% in 2022. This compares to 4.2% and 4.4% respectively for Europe (see here) and 6.9% and 3.6% for the US (see here). Businesses already with a footprint in the Asian region will be gearing up their operations to deal with the region’s expected […]

Migrants and refugees have employment rights and obligations in Uruguay
As Covid restrictions begin to lift there will inevitably be increased movement of workers across borders. This brings back into focus a range of global mobility and tax considerations for businesses and individuals. Examples include work permits, visas, payroll and social security amongst other issues. Below is a snapshot of some pints concerning Uruguay to […]

Challenges of global mobility – focus on Mauritius
Global mobility is a significant advantage in a world where all countries are connected by monetary flow, means of transports and digital communication. A comprehensive global mobility strategy takes time, teamwork, and careful thought. The main challenges faced when designing a global mobility program are payroll, tax issues and laws, and compensation among others. It […]

Updated OECD guidance on the impact of Covid-19 for cross border workers
In April 2020 the OECD issued guidance on the impact of Covid-19 on double taxation agreements (DTA) and their application to cross border workers. In January 2021 they updated this guidance. This guidance is necessary as some cross-border workers have been stranded in a country that is not their normal residence, and double taxation could arise without applying a practical approach to the […]

Why Czech Republic’s tax system is attractive for expatriate employees?
Tax reform continues to come in waves across the globe. One common theme of many reforms is tax breaks for low to mid wage earners and surprising tax hikes for high wage earners. This trend seems to be consistent with the latest out of the Czech Republic. New changes to the Czech tax law effective […]

Impact of Covid-19 on personal income tax and permanent establishments in Singapore (Part 2)
The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented disruptions across multiple countries and economies in the world. In addition to adversely affecting the world economy, the restrictions placed on travel could have personal income tax implications for individuals and permanent establishment risks for businesses. This article provides an insight into the tax considerations in respect of the current crises with focus on the Singaporean personal income tax regime and the possible creation of permanent establishment risk. Permanent Establishment considerations […]

Impact of Covid-19 on personal income tax and permanent establishments in Singapore (Part 1)
The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented disruptions across multiple countries and economies in the world. In addition to adversely affecting the world economy, the restrictions placed on travel could have personal income tax implications for individuals and permanent establishment risks for businesses. This article provides an insight into the tax considerations in respect of the current crises with a focus on the Singaporean personal income tax regime and the possible creation of permanent establishment risk. Taxation […]

Brexit impact on in/outbound payments
When the UK finally left the EU ended on 31 December 2020, the application of provisions that have been beneficial to cross-border payments within the EU ceased, or will cease to apply. The elimination of withholding taxes, formerly part of these provisions, means companies with cross-border dividend, interest and royalty payment flows to or from […]

Is your business eligible to claim support under Government Covid and business recovery support schemes?
Government’s around the world have acted to help support individuals and businesses to get through to Covid pandemic. Mazars Covid-19 global tax and law tracker provides an overview of the measures different jurisdictions have put in place and there is a range of information and webinars at the above link. In this article we focus […]

DAC 7: EU Proposed changes to information reporting by digital platforms
On 25 November 2020, the Council of the European Union unveiled its updated draft of proposed EU Directive 2011/16 on administrative cooperation. The proposed directive marks the seventh amendment to the directive on administrative cooperation (DAC), earning itself the DAC 7 nickname. The proposed DAC 7 originally unveiled on 15 July 2020, forms part of […]

Covid-19 and the impact on taxation of individuals and permanent establishments in Nigeria
world. In addition to adversely affecting the world economy, the restrictions placed on travel could have personal income tax implications for individuals and permanent establishment risks for businesses.

EU-UK social security protocol and its implications
On 24 December 2020, a draft protocol on social security co-ordination for EU-UK cross border working arrangements that start from 1 January 2021 was published. The draft protocol contained an article covering detached workers, i.e. employees who normally work in one EU member state/the UK who are sent to work in the UK/an EU member […]

Making sense of tax systems in a digitalised world
How do we develop a global tax system that takes into account business innovation and the digitalised economy, yet is fair to all stakeholders? It’s a debate world governments continue to grapple with as they consider radical reforms to adapt century-old tax rules to the 21st-century digital economy. It’s also a question we put to […]

Transfer pricing guidelines on financial transactions – have captives been caught?
In February of this year, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released guidance for multinational enterprises (MNE’s) and tax authorities, on applying the arm’s-length standard to controlled financial transactions. The guidance, which the OECD plans to include in the next publication of the Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations (OECD TPG), […]

Home office: new tax and social security implications in France
With the Covid-19 crisis, working from home is expected to become the “new normal”. 2020 marks the end of many tax holidays with respect to home working arrangements within and between certain countries. We have already featured some general comments on the implication of remote working in previous blog posts; and we will regularly feature […]

Remote Worker – “necessity” or “choice”?
During the first wave of Covid-19 back in the spring of 2020, many employers found themselves dealing with the issue of “remote workers” in significant volumes, for the first time. When “working from home”, means working from home in another part of the city or the country then the issues are more likely to be […]

Brexit implications for international private clients
Now that we are a couple of weeks into the new year, we are seeing lots in the press and media on Brexit’s impact to the business community. But what about the people behind the business – the individuals. At Mazars, we have been educating clients on the future of Brexit from both an entity […]

South Africa and others: broadening the tax base by clamping down on “white collar schemes”
Near-term objective of the South African Revenue Service confirmed: “Remaining focused on international taxes, particularly aggressive tax planning using transfer pricing.” The South African (“SA”) economy, like many others, has been severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. A recent speech by the country’s Finance Minister painted a dire picture of a country that is, in […]

Tax holiday checklists: make your list and check it twice, especially for withholding tax changes
Generally speaking, year-end is that time of year when we clean up all open items in the current year and head into the new year with a fresh outlook and perspective. This also applies to tax. You cannot be blind to the overwhelming number of tax checklists published to help individuals, in particular, get their tax affairs […]

Welcome (bienvenidos, willkommen, karibu, bienvenue) to a world of tax incentives
The pandemic has led to many people choosing to relocate. Many are leaving densely populated cities to work remotely to where they feel are more desirable locations for themselves and family. Others are holding steadfast to their crowded city dwellings. Either way, geographies are challenged to retain (or welcome) existing residents and newcomers. Many are […]

The new year brings new social security challenges post- Brexit
What is the issue? With Brexit talks still ongoing, employers should be planning for the impact of a hard Brexit on social security coverage and benefit provision for their employees who travel between the UK and EU (including EEA & EFTA countries and Switzerland) for work. HMRC’s October employer bulletin provided a welcome update on […]