Ángel followed his university studies in Colegio Universitario San Pablo (CEU). He is B.A. and PhD in Law by Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where he obtained the Extraordinary Doctorate Award with his dissertation on international taxation. He was Visiting Professor in Berkeley University (California). Ángel is Professor in Financial and Tax law in Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona since 1994 and practicing member of the Bar Association of Barcelona.
Ángel is partner of Mazars Tax & Legal, where to date he has assumed the responsibility of numerous tax works for a large variety of customers, many of which are multinational. His work has focused in international taxation, taxation of business restructuring operations (M&A) and taxation of administrative concessions and mixed financing projects in public-private partnerships (PPP). He also has a wide experience in filing tax claims and appeals before the Administration and Tribunals (tax litigation).
He has issued numerous legal-tax publications. Furthermore, Ángel has organized and participated in numerous tax-related conferences and seminars. He coordinates the Aranzadi Tax Forum in Barcelona from its first edition (2003) to date.
Currently, Ángel is partner in charge of the Firm’s international taxation department.
+34 934 050 855
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