Eline Polak

Partner, Customs & VAT

Personal quote / vision

Expert, client-driven and solution-driven.

Education and work experience

Since 1993 I have worked in the area of VAT and customs in various roles – tax adviser, fiscal lawyer and Justice of the VAT and customs bench of the Courts of Appeal in Arnhem-Leeuwarden and Amsterdam.

As a Mazars partner I have been advising organisations on all issues related to VAT, customs and international trade since 2016.

I have completed the following degrees and courses:

  • Fiscal law (University of Amsterdam)
  • Dutch law (University of Amsterdam)
  • NOB Professional training for tax advisers
  • NOVA Professional training for solicitors


My expertise is in national and international VAT, international trade, customs law, anti-dumping levies, excise, transfer tax and collection.

Additional positions

Besides my work as a tax adviser, I write professional literature, speak at seminars and act as a locum Justice for the Arnhem-Leeuwarden Court of Appeal.

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